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Junctions quiz


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#1. What should you do as you approach a junction? ? Reducing your speed as you approach a junction gives you more time to observe and react to any situation you may need to deal with. Always be prepared to slow down and stop!

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Slow down and prepare to stop

#2. What is the primary rule when emerging from an open junction? ? By giving way to traffic on the main carriageway, we contribute to a safer and more efficient driving environment for everyone.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Give way to traffic on the main carriageway 

#3. How should you position your vehicle when emerging and turning right from an open junction? ? Positioning to the right when emerging from a side road backs up your signal and allows other road users to understand your intentions, this position also provides the best view of the road in both directions.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Close to the right-hand side of your lane (Just left of centre)

#4. What should you do when approaching a junction to turn right? ? Positioning your just left of centre can allow other road users to pass you on the left to keep the traffic flowing. Also, your signal will confirm your intended direction of travel.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Signal right and position your vehicle just left of the centre line

#5. When turning right at a junction, what should you do if there is oncoming traffic? ? When you are intending to cross the path of oncoming traffic you must always wait until there is a safe gap before proceeding.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Wait for a safe gap in the oncoming traffic

#6. What is a key characteristic of a closed junction? ? A closed junction in the UK is a type of road junction where visibility is restricted due to obstructions such as buildings, walls, hedges, or parked vehicles. These obstructions make it difficult for drivers to see approaching traffic from the side roads or the main road, requiring extra caution when emerging or turning.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Limited visibility due to obstructions

#7. When should you start signalling your intention to turn at a junction? ? Signalling at junctions in the UK is crucial for communicating your intentions to other road users and ensuring safe and efficient traffic flow. You should always signal in plenty of time providing it is safe and your signal can not be misunderstood by anyone. Such as signalling too soon while passing another junction.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Well in advance of the junction

#8. How should you proceed when emerging from a closed junction? ? Proceeding from a closed junction in the UK requires extra caution due to limited visibility.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Edge forward slowly until you can see clearly

#9. What must you do at a stop junction? ? Stop means STOP

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Stop completely and check for traffic

#10. When can you proceed from a stop junction? ? At a stop junction in the UK, you must come to a complete stop at the stop line, even if you think the road ahead is clear. You can only proceed after you check in both directions and asses the junction to be clear or there is a safe gab to emerge into.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: When you have checked and it is safe to do so

#11. How should you position your vehicle when turning right from a one-way street? ? By positioning to the right, you enhance safety for yourself and other road users, contributing to a more efficient and predictable traffic system.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: In the right lane

#12. What should you do before turning right from a one-way street? ? Before turning right from a one-way street you should position towards the right hand side of the road and observe the flow of traffic in the new road before emerging safely.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Signal right and check for traffic

#13. What should you do if you see a pedestrian crossing at a junction? ? Pedestrians crossing the road at a junction have priority over vehicles if they have started to cross or if there is a controlled or uncontrolled crossing in place.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Stop and let them cross

#14. When should you check your mirrors when approaching a junction? ? Using mirrors effectively when approaching a junction is crucial for ensuring safety and making informed decisions.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Continuously as you approach

#15. What is the correct action if you cannot see clearly when emerging from an open junction? ? Emerging from an open junction when you cannot see clearly requires extra caution and careful manoeuvring.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Edge forward slowly until you can see clearly

#16. How should you signal when emerging from an open junction to turn left? ? When emerging from an open junction, it’s important to follow a clear and safe routine including the use of directional indicators to show the direction you intend to take.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Signal left well in advance

#17. What should you do if there is a cyclist ahead of you when turning right at a junction? ? When you encounter a cyclist ahead of you while turning right at a junction, it’s crucial to prioritize their safety.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Wait for them to clear the junction

#18. When turning right at a junction with traffic lights, what should you do if the light turns amber? ? If lights change colour after you have started to cross the junction you must clear the area safely.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Proceed only if you are already in the junction

#19. What should you do if your view is obstructed by parked vehicles at a closed junction? ? When your view is obstructed by parked vehicles at a closed junction, it’s important to proceed with caution.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Edge forward slowly until you can see clearly

#20. How should you proceed if you are unsure whether it is safe to emerge from a closed junction? ? If you’re unsure whether it’s safe to emerge from a closed junction, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and proceed with caution.

Snap, you got that one wrong🫢

Correct answer: Wait until you are sure it is safe
